
Website Planning

Tools and techniques to document a content strategy for your website.

Website Design

Your brand identity, guidelines, web design assets and pages all in Figma.

Website Development

Build your website with WordPress and a modern development approach.

Website Management

Maintain and secure your WordPress website with ongoing services.
content discovery

Adopting an SEO perspective

Planning to build a websites is the process of identifying, finding, and exploring methods to facilitate the creation of relevant and engaging content. This strategic approach involves adopting an SEO perspective, utilizing tools and techniques to develop keywords and a sitemap that content can be created around.

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A Collaborative Design Process

Receive a comprehensive website design service encompassing the creation of all necessary pages and web design assets. A collaborative design process occurs in Figma, involving the development of mood boards, visual sitemaps, branding, wireframes, and high-fidelity webpage designs. This centralised approach ensures that all your web design assets are easily accessible from a single platform.

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A Modern Development Approach

The designs are then built in WordPress with a modern development approach, utilising the WordPress block editor to craft visually stunning and user-friendly websites. From intuitive navigation to complex functionality, my experience working with the GeneratePress theme gives you flexibility and a highly customisable website.

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Taking Care of your Website

Ensure your WordPress website stays healthy, secure, and top-performing with our ongoing services. I conduct regular updates, monitor the websites uptime and security, address technical issues, and optimize overall performance to keep your site running smoothly.

Website Planning

Website Assessment

Assess how your current website could be improved.

Project Proposal

Establishing what the project entails and sets out to achieve.

Competitor Research

Plan how to stand out and differentiate your service.

Market Research

Understand the market, your customers, and target audience.

Keyword Planning

Discover what people are searching for in your market.

Website Strategy

Plan to rank for keywords and structure content around them.

Website Design

Visual Sitemap

Visually see the site navigation for the website.


Visually map layouts & the flow of content on webpages.

Branded Wireframes

Add brand elements like colours and fonts to the wireframes.

High-fidelity Designs

Add media and copy for the complete webpage design.

Brand Guidelines

Document how visual elements on the website keep consistent.

User Interface Design

Build a library of web design block styles and patterns.

User Flows

Visually plan each step of the journey a user needs to takes.

User Experience

Improve how a user interacts with your online services.

Website Development

WordPress Setup

Optimal WordPress setup for specific use-cases.

Theme Setup

GeneratePress expertise for customising theme elements.

Custom Templates

Flexible templates built with Blocks and conditional logic.


Webpages are built with core WordPress & GenerateBlocks.

Block Patterns

Build a library of block patterns you can drop on any webpage.

Plugin & Custom CSS

CSS is written so plugin styles match the rest of the website.

Responsive Design

Test website behaviour on different devices and browsers.

Optimal Performance

All websites are built for optimal performance and speed.

Website Maintenance

Domain & Hosting

Technical management of web hosting, the CDN, and DNS.

Backups & Updates

Off-site backups stored in the cloud, and regular updates.

Security & Monitoring

Check how your website is performing, and secure it.

Software Licenses

Gain access to high-quality, premium plugins & software.

Email Deliverability

Make sure email is delivered reliably, without issues.

Database Optimisation

Keep the database running optimally and efficiently.

Training & Tutorials

Receive training sessions, and screen recordings.

Technical Support

Troubleshooting and resolving technical issues as they arise.

Solve the puzzle of building an online business.

Find out how a website can strengthen client relationships and automate business processes, giving you more time to focus on what matters most – your clients.

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